Hello second trimester aka honeymoon trimester!

I love the second trimester!! Just like the first time I was pregnant, it was as if someone switched off the worst pregnancy symptoms like nausea and fatigue. I started gradually feeling better after 10-weeks but in comparison to the early weeks, weeks 13-15 totally rocked! I even took my first pregnancy fitness class, reformer Pilates (which was amazing by the way), and just generally feel a more like my happy self again! Some weeks ago I wrote about feeling a bit down, borderline depressed, when I was feeling exhausted to the bone and when the sickness was at its worst (even though I was never actually sick it was still awful). I knew that deep down I was still happy and everything was fine, and it was just the first trimester getting to me, but oh boy I must say I’m happy it’s over now!

I’m a proud owner of a cute baby bump (plus some additions mummy curves), the pregnancy is not a secret anymore and I’m feeling good!

To keep it real, of course I still feel pregnant. There are some new symptoms like twinge pains in my lower tummy and pelvis as everything expands. Last time I had these pains from quite early on but I guess this time my body didn’t really put up so much of a fight! 😄 Also my lower back has started aching a bit, which I find worrying because I didn’t really have back problems last time. I’m getting out Mr. Donut aka my U-shaped pregnancy pillow which should help! I also want to start pregnancy yoga regularly. Before my first pregnancy, I thought all joint pains come from the weight of the bump but actually a lot of it is related to the changing posture and softening ligaments – good support while sleeping and sensible shoes have helped me! I only swap my trainers to heels when I get to the office and even there I barely walk/stand (ugh desk jobs are so unhealthy!!).

Happy mummy after a Pilates class!

I say that the fatigue has eased but I still get tired. Whether that’d because of the pregnancy or just because of my crazy life, I’m not sure! But at least I can be more productive again and don’t feel like a useless slob (as I cried to my husband around week 9). I’ve also had some headaches which freaked me out because I googled it and preeclampsia popped up! But I don’t have any other symptoms and apparently headaches in early pregnancy are normal and relate to hormones (what doesn’t relate to hormones these days??!!). It might just be lack of sleep. The recent heatwave in London didn’t help on that front!

Another rather minor pregnancy symptom has been itchy belly skin which I remember from last time, I guess it’s the stretching skin. Need to start moisturising. And the constant peeing has begun! I’ll be spending the next five months planning my next toilet visit…

All in all I’ve super happy in my pregnancy bubble, enjoying the little belly flutters which are getting stronger and stronger each week! I’ve realised it’s easier to enjoy the second pregnancy and not to get too impatient and wish the time away because now I’m also enjoying Maia at this adorable age (20-months) and want to keep her little forever!

My little one



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