The most exciting recent pregnancy development by far is feeling the baby’s movements for the first time! I cannot describe the feeling – a mixture of amazement, wonder, disbelief, LOVE… The most bizarre yet wonderful experience. It did made me think of the movie “Alien” a bit though, sorry!
We are 16 weeks pregnant and I’d been told by a few people, by my pregnancy app and by Google that it could be possible to feel the baby around these weeks. Apparently often first time mums feel the baby later than more experienced mums as the first sensations resemble little flutters or bubbles rather than actual kicks and it might not be so easy to distinguish them.
And yet last night, lying on the sofa all horizontal, I suddenly felt something that could have been nothing else! Like gentle little pokes from the inside, right above my knicker line. Luckily the baby’s Daddy was right next to me so I asked him to feel my tummy in case he could feel it from the outside too. It’s a bit hard for me to tell if I felt it both inside and outside of me or only inside, as if I tried to tell the difference between hearing something with my left or right ear. But he felt it! Not only once but twice!
I knew it had to be the baby (yes, it kind of felt like a bubble but not like gas) but it was nice to get a confirmation that I didn’t just imagine it! And of course, I’m so happy he was there to experience the special moment <3
How are we doing otherwise? Very well, I’m pleased to report! There are days when I feel very tired, especially during the last week when it’s been hot and humid in London – 32 degrees Celcius today.
I have taken on a habit of carrying my gym kit around every day so on the good days there’s nothing stopping me from getting an exercise session in but equally on a day when I need to chill, I don’t have to stress about not adhering to my plan (since there is no plan!). Well I have a master plan, which is to get the 10 000 steps in everyday and be active – whether that’s gym, yoga, swimming or power walk – on 4-5 days of the week. But I’ll pick the days and the type of exercise based on how I feel on a given day!
The bump is growing and people are starting to really pick up on it now. I’ve also noticed that I get smiles from strangers, both men and women, which is both cute and surprising. I guess it’s the magic of the baby bump! I’ve also been offered a seat on the tube which is nice (even without my baby-pin). So far I’ve had two people go for the belly stroke which has also been a bit of a surprise but both times it was someone close to me so I didn’t mind
Being pregnant is so amazing!