Being “real” in social media seems to be a trend currently – showing the unfiltered, unposed, imperfect moments of life instead of the polished (fake) perfection. Becoming and being a parent is not easy – LIFE isn’t easy – and we are not doing favours to anyone by pretending it is.
It’s becoming more and more accepted, even encouraged, for women to open up about the less rosy side of becoming a mother. It’s ok to acknowledge and admit also negative feelings about the whole process, pre- and postnatal. Talking about difficult feelings/experiences can help not only the person struggling but also other women out there going through similar experiences. This is of course absolutely wonderful!
But surely it’s not all struggle?! I follow a number of mum blogs and Instagram accounts and I have recently started wondering about all the negativity out there… Please don’t misunderstand me, I sympathise whole heartedly with women facing hardships and admire the courage they portray by publicly opening up about topics such as postnatal depression. But at least statistically, more often than not women succeed in falling pregnant, pregnancies progress normally (I’m not saying easily!), and babies are born healthy. Where are all of these genuinely happy stories??
I am happy. I am totally in love with the best man in the world (best for me at least!) and being pregnant has been the most magical time of my life! (Yes, even with the aches and pains, fears and apprehensions). We all face struggles and difficulties in life, go through the highs and the lows. Right now I’m living my “high” and I’m not apologising for it. God knows I’ve had my share of sh*t in life and who knows what tomorrow will bring! So now I want to embrace the good times 😊
I personally know people for whom pregnancy has not been a happy story and I of course try my best to offer love and support and pray things will improve. No one should be insensitive and rub their happiness in the face of a less fortunate sister, but equally one person’s good fortune doesn’t lessen another’s. I believe so, anyway.
Bad news sell better than good news, that’s a fact. Compassion is more readily available in tragedy while jealousy can poison genuine happiness for someone else’s… I want to be honest and genuine, but both in the good and the bad, even if that will cost me a few followers or blog views! We have been lucky – blessed with so much it’s humbling. But in my humility, I am happy. The rainy days will come, they always do. But until then, I want to enjoy! ☺️
It’s a sunny day today. I have a day off and a hair appointment booked for later! And a Halloween party to go to tomorrow! A lot to be happy about. ❤️
Wish everyone a lovely weekend!