Ever since my 34-week appointment when the midwife told me to expect an early arrival of our baby, I’ve been planning and packing my bag (well ok, bags) for hospital. To be honest, I think packing is rather secondary in the grand scale of things, but it has helped me personally to feel more prepared for labour (if there is such thing!). If all goes well we won’t be spending much time at the hospital at all and most of the stuff I’ve packed won’t even be used. 😊
The mums amongst my friends, friends of friends, and other bloggers have been super helpful providing me with tips and suggestions regarding what to pack. In case you would find it helpful, I thought I’d share what I have packed in my bag – for myself, for the dad-to-be and for our baby.
Note that what you’ll need depends on where you are planning to give birth! In my understanding, in my home country Finland you barely need to bring anything as you are well provided for at the hospital but the NHS here in the UK recommends you bring even your own nappies and maternity pads which is why I’ve packed so much stuff…
For Mum:
- Maternity notes
- Maternity pads
- Disposable/cheap pants (which you don’t mind sacrificing)
- Breast pads, nursing bras/tops
- Bath robe, comfortable pyjamas with buttons in front or a nightie with easy boob access (for nursing)
- Slippers/flip flops, warm socks
- Towel (two if planning a water birth)
- Toiletries: tooth brush, tooth paste, shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, moisturiser, lip balm, deodorant, hair bands and hair brush (hair dryer?)
- Sports bottle or straws for easy drinking while horizontal
- Nursing pillow (also good for the dad’s comfort!)
- High energy snacks: cereal bars, chocolate, fruits, nuts, sports drink (e.g. Lucozade)
- Phone, charger, headphones
- Small massage ball
- A book/magazine (in case of long labour/recovery at the hospital)
- Comfortable going home-outfit
For Dad:
- Change t-shirt, boxer shorts and socks
- Tooth brush and deodorant
- Snacks
- Preferred entertainment in case the wait is long (phone, iPad, headphones, book, magazine etc.)
For Baby:
- Car seat
- Nappies, baby wipes, cotton wool
- Muslins
- Baby blanket (cellular)
- Clothes: 4-5 outfits in two different sizes, both long and short sleeved (birthing units/labour wards tend to be kept warm), warm all in one suit for going home (two sizes)
- Two hats, socks, scratch mittens
- A dummy (not necessary)