BBG 1 results – 12-week challenge done boom!

I downloaded the Kayla Itsines Sweat app four months after Maia was born and started the 12-week BBG 1 programme. I was already back at my pre-pregnancy weight but my fitness level (cardiovascular or strength) wasn’t what it once was nor did my body look the same as it did before I fell pregnant. I wanted to improve my fitness, steal the me-time to do something I enjoy, and potentially tone my body in the process (click: Why I started the BBG programme ).

I promised to update you on my results once I’d finished the programme and on last Sunday I did my last workout from BBG 1. Oh and importantly, I did complete all weekly workouts (3 resistance sessions and at least 3 LISS cardio sessions, usually more) but to be completely honest I didn’t do the stretching session every week… I did all stretches at the end of the workouts though! 😊

You know the saying “your future self will thank you for starting today”? Well my present self is thankful I started 12-weeks ago. I definitely feel stronger and fitter and I’ve enjoyed working out and following the plan. Better yet, I’m seeing some physical results too!

I wasn’t unhappy with my body 12-weeks ago but I do prefer to have more muscle and less body fat (that’s a personal preference). Looking at my before and after pictures and the changes in my measurements I think I’ve achieved that! The changes aren’t huge but they are there and I’ve been able to achieve them without making changes to my diet which would have been really hard for me. I’m still breastfeeding and so I want to keep my calorie intake as high as I need it to be to have enough energy, you know, for life.

Measurement changes pre-BBG vs. 12-weeks of BBG 1

Weight: -4 kg (-9lb)

Bust: -1cm (-0.4″)

Waist: -3cm (-1.2″)

Hips: -4cm (-1.6″)

Love handles: -5cm (-2″)

Arm: -3.5 (-1.4″)

Thigh: -3cm (-1.2″)

That means there is now 26cm less of me in the world. Ha, funny thought!

Below you’ll see how these changes look like. Still no tan and no cheating with filters but I am wearing a different bikini because the old one is now too big and very unflattering. And I’m in a different room and lighting because we’ve moved house!

Do I look like a fitness model or an athlete? Of course not!! But I also don’t live the lifestyle of either. Nor do I want to. I’m a new mum with a 6-month old baby working out at home and doing my best to stay healthy. And that’s how I look like (I think).

I do see more muscle definition so I feel like I’ve reached my goal of toning up. All of my measurements have gone down so I don’t think I’ve built any muscle, but that was to be expected with this program which is mainly short high intensity bursts with low resistance which is ideal for burning fat and strengthening the body while increasing cardiovascular fitness.

I’m exactly the same person in all of the pictures above. I was happy before, I’m just as happy now. But I definitely feel stronger and a bit more like my “old self” (or as the same person but living my old lifestyle) since I started this programme.

Remember, you are not your body, you have a body. That’s it. And by the way, it’s the only body you’ll get (depending on your beliefs) so it’s a good idea to take care of it!

Any critique of the programme/app? Well a few minor things to whinge about:

  1. Heavy reliance on press up variations. They utilise the body weight efficiently as resistance and I understand why they are used but my wrists aren’t very strong and doing so many press ups puts too much pressure on my wrists and they get sore. I’m ok with sore muscles but sore joints was not the goal.
  2. You can’t log workouts into the app retrospective expect for the same day (in case you forgot to or weren’t able to at the time of the workout)
  3. Repetition. I would personally enjoy a bit more variation to the routine.
  4. Now my wedding dress is too big!! 😄 I have to go in for an extra fitting (my third) because it’s being taken in again…

What now?

Well firstly I need to buy myself those new trainers I promised myself upon completing BBG 1. My trainers have so many holes in them they look like sandals.

Secondly, I keep going! I started BBG 2 this week! No reason to stop when this programme is working so well.

Anyone else on the BBG bandwagon??

Happy weekend!



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