Can I just be full-time pregnant?

Being pregnant for the first time is absolutely huge! All the emotions and the physical changes and symptoms would be enough to occupy my thoughts. Unfortunately though, there is no such thing as being “full-time pregnant”. Life still goes on and stuff needs to get done.

It’d be tempting to put everything else on hold, particularly on the days when I’m not feeling great. My career is naturally still important to me as well as is staying fit. But how to keep up with work and fitness when on the first trimester survival mode??

I try to keep in mind that pregnancy is a passing phase in my life. If I’m lucky, the fatigue and nausea will ease already in a few weeks/months time. This thought helps me to be a bit more forgiving towards myself, if/when I choose a nap over a walk or nibble on pickles rather than almonds. Trusting my instincts and doing what my body tells me cannot be very wrong.

That being said, doing something is better than doing nothing and I can still make an effort to make choices that are healthier for me and the baby.

Last weekend I was very tired and napping on both days, but in addition to sleeping I also made an effort to go outside and got moving.

I started with a 45min LISS (Low Intensity Steady State) cardio, running for 30min and walking for 15min. Then I did a quick improvised circuit in our garden:

  1. 20 step-ups with a knee raise (20 with each leg)
  2. 20 body weight squats
  3. 20 squats with alternating knee raise
  4. 20 modified press-ups (narrow press with knees on the floor)
  5. 20 tricep dips

And repeat.

I felt the burn in my upper and lower body and core!

After this session I went for another walk with my partner just to enjoy the weather but after 45minutes I realised I’d been too ambitious and needed to get back home for a rest!

They say exercise should help with the fatigue, but I have to say that in my experience sleep helps the most when you are tired. But exercising after the nap works! 🙂

Getting some movement in my body also helps to avoid muscle aches and tightness that I get from sitting by my desk 12h a day.

I mentioned that when the nausea is bad, I eat just anything I can get down. Luckily though, I don’t feel sick all the time and when I don’t I really try to make an effort to get some good nutrients in, even if that’s in addition to the less healthy choices I might have made earlier. For example, if a croissant or a toast is all I could eat in the morning, having something more nutritious for lunch can help to compensate. I don’t prepare my own lunches but we have good healthy options in the City for take away. One of my favourites is Vita Mojo where you can choose the ingredients of your warm lunch made to order by 30-50g and will have nutritional info (macros) calculated as you make your choices. You can order in a few minutes online and select a pick-up time which means it’s super easy and fast!

This one consists of grilled salmon (served hot), steamed broccoli, beetroot, fresh pea salad and sweet potato mash – yum!

I’ve recently really craved cheese, so I’ve added a slice to my weekend breakfast of eggs, avocado and cucumber on toasted wholemeal bagel (when I can eat eggs, that is). Perhaps not a dieter’s choice, but overall still a balanced meal.

Good efforts accumulate 🙂



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