24-hour babymoon – weekend getaway at Luton Hoo spa

24-hours of no one demanding anything from me – I’m sure every mother can appreciate how blissful that was! I would not trade my life for anyone’s but especially recently it has felt that my every waking hour is spent responding to other people’s needs. Being pregnant of course means that even when I’m not Read More

25/26-weeks pregnant – baby kicks and practice contractions

The last weeks of the second trimester of my second pregnancy! Not the easiest but luckily the past couple of weeks have been quieter at work, or at least I haven’t been travelling which has made life calmer. This is good because growing this baby is becoming harder work! Still, I’ve been incredibly lucky and Read More

The nightmare of trying to navigate the UK school system: why private schools are called public and other incomprehensible concepts

Despite having lived in London for six years, I am still a foreigner in this country and having received my primary school education in Finland, the UK school system is completely alien to me. I had expected children’s education to be, as so many things in London, highly competitive and expensive, and I was not Read More