Mum life part 4/5 – Thursday

5.15am – Maia wakes up for the first time but unfortunately it’s not the first for me. I stayed up too late watching telly yesterday and Maia’s dream feed lasted for an hour so I only got to bed after midnight. For some reason I had disturbing dreams and kept waking up. Once I even jumped up convinced Maia wasn’t breathing and rushed over her bed to check. She was fine of course but my heart was racing. Needless to say I felt exhausted when she woke up for her feed. I put her back to bed and prayed she’d sleep a bit longer this morning.

5.50am – Well she didn’t. And not only did she want to start the new day at 5.50am, she wasn’t on a good mood. This is very rare. As I wrote yesterday, she is usually such a jolly little girl in the mornings. Today however she didn’t want to cuddle, play, or even feed. All she wanted was to be carried around the flat by her dad (who I woke up in desperation). I have no idea what was up with her but I was definitely too tired to be dealing with it (not that I had any other option but to deal with it).

7.50am – I finally get Maia to calm down to feed but end up carrying her around while feeding (good arm workout). Meanwhile her dad helps me by tidying up the flat before leaving for work. Thank you God for this man! After twenty minutes of feeding Maia falls asleep and I put her to her bed. We both sleep for an hour. When she wakes up I feed her again and we sleep for another hour.

10.45am – We finally get up. I had planned to go to Move Your Frame (aka Frame) for a Mum & Baby fitness class, but it was at 10am so we had missed it. I’m starving and make myself a big breakfast and coffee and sit down on the floor to eat while I play with Maia who is thankfully back to her normal self. I text my mum besties to whine about the morning and how tired I am and feel better after some encouragement from peers. Sometimes you just need to vent, right?

12.35pm – I sit in the corner of the sofa to feed Maia and have more coffee. I’m feeling so much better now. I’m glad I have the flexibility to take it easy whenever we have nights/days like this. Maia has a long feed (40-minutes) and snoozes for half an hour. I’m not surprised she doesn’t sleep for longer since she had a long morning nap.

14.00pm – While feeding I think about my rather unused gym membership and the Mum & Baby class I missed this morning I finally decide to download Kayla Itsines’s “Sweat”-app for home workouts. I had a look at this app a few years ago (because of the social media hype) but because I actually really enjoyed the group exercise classes (HIIT) at 1Rebel I didn’t feel the need for a home workout guide. To be honest I also felt like the programme was too easy for me and I needed more challenge and heavier weights. Well, a lot has changed since then! Maia was playing on her playmat/rocker while I did my 30-minute workout and boy did I get sweaty! Definitely not too easy.

I didn’t bother familiarising myself with the app as I just wanted to get going so I didn’t realise that the app was set to start from BBG (Bikini Body Guide) 4.0 week 89! So I didn’t exactly start from zero… But I have to say I liked the level of challenge! I chose resistance training, legs to be specific. I’ll test this app for a while and let you know how I get on. I don’t really need to lose weight but I want to tone up since my mum body is still quite soft at 15-weeks post partum. 🙂

Here we go – BBG home workout number 1!

When I was still pregnant I thought I would want to stick to my gym routine also because it’s baby-free “me time”. But back then I didn’t realise how much the “me time” would reduce… Mum & Baby classes are great but as you may have noticed if you’ve read my posts this week, the timing of these classes is not always optimal for Maia’s nap routine which makes me feel guilty and complicates our days. So I think a combination of home workouts and Mum & Baby classes is the way forward!

3.00pm – Maia was a good girl during my workout but now she is getting a bit hungry and tired. I feed her on and off for an hour as she is a bit fussy again. I decide to go for a walk after feeding to get some fresh air and Maia can have a nap in the pram.

I love long walks by the Regent’s Canal where it’s peaceful with no other traffic but the long boats

4.30pm – Maia has fallen asleep and I pack her in the pram and leave for a long walk by Regent’s Canal. It’s lovely weather and I walk to our new house to inspect the progress of the renovation. It’s really coming along now! We got good news last week; we got our plan approved by the Council to build an extension (fourth bedroom) to our house. This will push forward our moving date by two months but then we’ll have more space in case our family grows further!

6.45pm – We get home and I give Maia a little snack feed before we get in the bath. We have a bath together again which is so relaxing after what turned out to be a quite physical day for me. After the bath I dress my little munchkin in her pyjamas and feed her.

7.55pm – Maia is sleeping in her bed and I’m off baby duty (almost). Time for me to have some dinner and chill on the sofa, watching the baby monitor from the corner of my eye. One more day and it’s the weekend!

Last post of this “Mum life”- series coming tomorrow!



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