HIIT the results

Putting baby talk aside for a moment, I wanted to shed some light on my training routine, since I’ve mentioned it is a big part of my life!

There are so many ways to be active and stay fit and in London I feel we are really spoilt for choice… After the initial excitement though, I very quickly realised that for me to stick with a routine and get more enjoyment than stress from it, I have to choose a workout type and location that work with my lifestyle.

So for the past two years I’ve primarily focused on high intensity interval training (HIIT workouts) that incorporate cardio, weights and plyometrics, for three key reasons:

  1. It makes me feel like a superwoman! Insanely addictive adrenaline rush and feeling of accomplishment
  2. It’s very effective in terms of results and time consumption
  3. I found a HIIT boutique gym walking distance from my office and home

When I’m not travelling or not under ridiculous work schedule (when it’s honestly better to prioritise sleep and recovery), I usually take five 45/60-minute HIIT-style boot camp classes per week. I keep it as a rule to have one day purely for recovery and one day for lower intensity training such as vinyasa flow yoga. Additionally I try to keep my activity level decent throughout the day by getting in 10,000 steps a day, which can be tricky considering I sit at my desk all day long… but they do say that “it’s sitting around that’s killing us” so I keep on trying!

I start work at 8am so morning workout is out of the question for me (drying this hair would take all morning anyway) but luckily I usually finish before 8pm which gives me enough time to get an evening workout in without sacrificing my 8-hour sleep or dinner at home. My partner’s got a similar schedule which is ideal for catching that daily one-on-one time together even during the week. So for the moment, this schedule works – the luxury of not yet having kids (thinking positive!).

My gym in the City, 1Rebel, offers three styles of HIIT classes: Reshape (my pick, see more below), Rumble (martial arts based class) and Ride (indoor cycling).

In a Reshape studio you will have a treadmill and a bench equipped with dumbbells, resistance bands and a medicine ball. Through out the class you’ll swap between the two in 5-10 minute rounds. On the treadmill you will jog, run, sprint with and without an incline making good use of active recoveries that really help improving cardiovascular fitness. On the “floor” you’ll have a varying combination of weighted or body weight exercises and plyometrics, from squats to burpees. The workout is explosive and high intensity and works the full body. There are sessions that target specifically upper or lower body and I vary these to give certain muscle groups a break (well, sort of).

I always walk out the studio feeling like a WINNER! Irrespective of my performance of the day (which of course varies depending on numerous different factors), simply because I pushed through it even when it got tough. And this is why I keep going back despite it being really challenging. Regardless of what happens during the day, whether I had a great day or not so great, I will finish it feeling awesome!

HIIT is great for people like me who 1) don’t have time to spend hours at the gym 2) don’t want to spend hours at the gym! I don’t believe that the weights used in high intensity training are heavy enough to help build mass but they definitely are heavy enough for increasing your strength and gaining muscle definition (with the right diet). Personally, this has been my fitness goal and I’m happy that my body has gotten much stronger and leaner 🙂

I also get bored easily so a high-energy “in-and-out” workout is perfect for me. For example, I’ve tried long distance running in the past, just to prove (to myself) that I could do it, but it’s not for me.

And finally, it’s a group class so by definition I’m never alone! I’m a social being and I enjoy company and friendly competition. There’s nothing better than first smashing a workout together with your friends and then re-fuelling over brunch – ah bliss! I even met (for the first time) one of my now best friends at the gym. “Those who train together, stay together”.

Speaking of which, the snaps in this post were taken by my boyfriend who I dared to join me for a class last week!

To circle back to the “Project Baby”, I have given thought to whether or not training this intensely could impact my chances to conceive, even though my period is now back to normal. For the past month I have monitored my activity levels and heart rates so that if need be, it’ll be easier to change things. More on this in the next post!

Happy training!



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