The nightmare of trying to navigate the UK school system: why private schools are called public and other incomprehensible concepts

Despite having lived in London for six years, I am still a foreigner in this country and having received my primary school education in Finland, the UK school system is completely alien to me. I had expected children’s education to be, as so many things in London, highly competitive and expensive, and I was not Read More

Finding a nanny

Arranging childcare should be the number one priority when planning the return to work after maternity leave. Obviously. But when you don’t even want to think about leaving your baby, preparing for it is hard! Ironically, finding a good solution for childcare would help with the anxiety about going back to work. So eventually I Read More

On to single digits – only 9 weeks until due date!

31-weeks and three days pregnant. It’s been a good week and my baby has been as active as I have! I’ve been quite busy with work, training, socialising and nesting 😊 The baby and I have been feeling well this week and despite the busy schedule I managed to fit in three good gym sessions Read More