The waiting game

And the time comes when all you can do is wait.

Wait for the DPO (days post ovulation) 15 – did we succeed this time..?

And I’m not good at waiting!

Overall, I think I’ve done better during this “round two”. I’ve been less stressed and more just, you know, hopeful. And happy! After all, it’s a pretty exciting time in our lives.

I didn’t manage to spot my ovulation, even with the tests I got from Boots but since my cycle is exactly 28-days, I’m assuming it happened around mid cycle… The reasons for my cautious glimmer of hope were the (imaginary?) early pregnancy symptoms I had been experiencing since a week after this assumed ovulation day.

The very first “symptom” was the feeling of “something is going on”. I’m not very sensitive to my cycle and overall don’t pay any attention to changes in my body (or connect them to my cycle) before PMS. But suddenly I was very aware of the whereabouts of my ovaries and the womb.

On DPO 8-9 I started getting odd twinge cramps in my lower tummy, kind of like period pain but not as long lasting nor painful. The cramps were sharp and sudden and in a specific spot (mainly in lower left abdomen)– quite different to anything I’ve felt before. My period is very regular anyway so there’s no way it could have been PMS a week early.

The cramps continued and on DPO 10-11 I got some spotting, which was alarming as I never get any (except during period of course). At this point I did what any person in the 21st century would do and I Googled it (cramps and spotting) as I was worried something was wrong!

Turns out there is a possibility that I was experiencing “implantation” pains and bleeding which some but not all pregnant women experience around a week (6-12 days) after conception. Maybe that’s what it was!

But the closer to DPO 15 I got, the less certain I became. I felt tired, a bit bloated and heavy, but most pains and cramps were gone or very occasional. The day came when my period was due – nothing. I was getting a bit excited. The next day came, still nothing.

On DPO 17 I tested negative… but still no period. And I’m never late! Very strange. Finally, four days late, Aunt Flow finally paid the unwelcome visit…

Maybe my excitement managed to delay the start of my period. Maybe the implantation failed and I experienced a chemical pregnancy. The latter feels very likely to me. I have never felt the symptoms described above before. A chemical pregnancy is a very early miscarriage (usually on week 5) where the sperm has fertilised the egg but it fails to survive.

I feel a bit sad and confused, but we’ll keep on trying. Maybe next month is our month!



PS. I read from somewhere that grape fruit juice can help to get pregnant. While I don’t really believe in it, I don’t mind drinking it anyway as I quite like it and figured “what’s the harm!”

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