Squats and chocolate pudding

I’ve had a bit of a rough week. But for a good cause, I learned yesterday!

It all started last weekend, which was physically the hardest two days of my pregnancy so far. I woke up on Saturday feeling tired and stiff, which was to be expected after the busy week of travelling. I stayed in bed as long as I could and then I had a big hearty breakfast – avocado, pouched eggs and bacon on a toasted bagel. This usually does the trick but not this time. 

I felt really uncomfortable every time I stood up or tried to walk. I would get a nasty pressure in my lower abdomen and pelvis, and was getting frequent (but not regular) Braxton Hicks. Baby’s movements felt really uncomfortable as well, some even hurt!

We went for a long walk as I was itching to get moving not having done any exercise, but I felt like an old lady waddling along and having to stop at every Braxton Hicks. I didn’t feel energised after that outing, only more tired.

Luckily we had fun plans for the evening – we went to a stand up comedy night with some friends! I was still feeling uncomfortable but the night out was a welcome distraction. Good company, good laugh and some late night chocolate pudding, ahhh!

On Sunday I felt better and got a good workout done at the gym which really lifted my spirits. A full body workout using free weights, cables and body weight got me all fired up!

The standing cable pull is a great exercise for back and arms!

In the evening though, I was getting aches and pains again and simply felt exhausted. I even had a little cry, feeling a bit miserable. Is this how it’s going to be from now on??

Monday was busy at the office and I was HOT. My Bump app said it’s common during late pregnancy because of the metabolic rate allegedly going through the roof making me overheated. I just had to go swimming after work to cool off! Funnily enough, the baby bump is starting to feel “heavy” in the pool as well but the swim made me feel more refreshed and a bit more mobile.

And so the week went on – busy with work and NCT classes, feeling hot, achy and tired. On Thursday I had an appointment with my midwife. And sure enough, she confirmed what I had already suspected – my baby has turned from breech to head down! 

The discomfort I had been feeling was the baby turning and sinking lower into my pelvis, getting ready to (eventually) join us, yay! At only 33-weeks there is of course still time for her to turn breech/oblique again, but I’m very pleased things have been naturally progressing the right way. ☺️

Apart from the pressure in my lower tummy and the Braxton Hicks, I’ve been feeling fine! So although I feel more and more discomfort, there are actually many things to be happy about. I’ve been spared from many common late pregnancy symptoms and my baby is doing well. What more could I ask for?!

Well, maybe for a day off… Tomorrow is Saturday but we’ll be getting up bright and early to cycle up to some more NCT antenatal classes!

32-week bump progress picture – getting big!



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