Postnatal training update- 5/12 weeks of BBG 1 done!

I started the Bikini Body Guide (BBG) exercise programme four months after giving birth and I’ve been doing it at home for a month now, five weeks to be exact. I downloaded the “SWEAT”-app after realising I can’t get to the gym often enough for my membership to be worth the money. I’m happy to say that I’m no longer feeling disappointed about not being able to go to the gym but I’ve been really enjoying the home workouts! Or well, “enjoying” isn’t the right word – the programme is really tough – but I really like it and the app works well for me.

Home workout outdoors!

Before falling pregnant, my favourite type of exercise was bootcamp style HIIT classes where I didn’t have to think about what to do and for how long, and the instructor was pushing me to give my best (and more). I worried that home workouts wouldn’t be as effective nor as fun but this really hasn’t been the case. The SWEAT-app has weekly programmes with easy instruction videos and the timer keeps me pushing myself so the workouts are definitely effective! I enjoy setting and achieving goals and so the weekly goals of the app keep me motivated. I haven’t skipped one workout in five weeks! I’m a social person and yes it’s more fun to workout together with someone rather than alone but at the moment it’s not possible for me to join classes. I do my workouts when I get the chance – Maia’s nap times are not set in stone and it’s easier to get half an hour to myself at home with my baby sleeping in the next room than the required 1.5h to go to the gym leaving Maia behind. Part of becoming a mum has been realising and accepting that some things really aren’t feasible in my current life situation. After all, a workout done is much more effective than the one not done. On the weekends Maia’s dad joins me in my training which is fun and more social! I might get a bit competitive though. ☺️

Maia likes to watch me jump around

The Kayla Itsines BBG programme consists of three resistance sessions a week plus three to four cardio sessions. For cardio I do pram walks. ☺️ The resistance sessions are split to full body, legs, and abs & arms focused circuits. One workout consists of two circuits – you do each for seven minutes with a 30-second break and then repeat. So one workout takes half an hour plus the guided stretching. Definitely doable! I prefer to workout when Maia sleeps but half an hour is (usually) short enough for her to be happy in her rocker or on her playmat watching me.

Don’t let the short duration or minimal equipment fool you – these circuits are hard! They will definitely improve your fitness level and make you stronger. They may not however help to build a lot of muscle as for that you do need heavier resistance (weights). Something to keep in mind if you are wondering whether it’s a programme for you…

You don’t need equipment to break a sweat

In my workouts I use 4kg dumbbells, a bench (or kitchen chair) and my body weight. An example of a legs workout from BBG 1 week 6 is:

Circuit 1:

  • X-jump x 30
  • Step-up (dumbbells) x 30
  • Jump lunge x 40
  • Tuck jump x 15

Circuit 2:

  • Sumo jump squat x 15
  • Split squat x 15
  • Walking lunge (dumbbells) x 24
  • Broad jump burpee x 15

You continue one circuit as many laps as you can in seven minutes. Never knew seven minutes could feel so long! Then there is a 30-second break and you move on to circuit 2. And then you do both circuits again.

I’m eating quite healthily but not following a diet plan. There is one in the SWEAT-app but I haven’t looked at it (yet). I’m still exclusively breastfeeding and eat quite large portions (good appetite) to compensate for all of the used energy. I still struggle to eat a proper lunch and tend to just make a quick sandwich and snack on fruit because that’s easier, especially with a baby. I do also have treats but not everyday. Not so bad overall but I could definitely improve! As they say “you can’t train yourself out of a bad diet” so no matter how religiously anyone would follow this programme, visible results would need a healthy diet. However, exercise is always good for you and not all progress is visible!

I feel much stronger and more capable than before I started BBG, mentally and physically. Getting a half an hour of me-time dedicated to my own wellbeing three times a week feels so good. I have managed to turn around slow and unproductive days by smashing my workout, feeling so much better after! Sticking to my exercise plan and hitting weekly goals is so satisfying as well. Endless nappy changing, breastfeeding and washing laundry just doesn’t quite give me the same satisfaction haha!

After only five weeks it’s a bit soon to take an “after picture” but I did take a photo to see if there’s any progress so far. The comparison photo above only really shows my mum belly because that’s the one part of me that changed drastically because of pregnancy (sorry for stating the obvious) and the area I’d like to tone. Toning up or burning fat doesn’t happen locally though, so the changes will (or won’t) happen all over my body. I don’t have a goal weight ( I already weigh less than before I got pregnant) but my goal is to increase my cardiovascular fitness and strength and to tone my body. I don’t have a goal weight as I already weigh less than before pregnancy and because weight alone isn’t the best indicator of whether I’ve made progress.

So has there been any progress? I didn’t see much difference between the 4-month and 5-month pictures but taking my measurements today was more helpful!

5-week change in my measurements:

  • Weight: -2kg
  • Bust: -1cm
  • Waist: no change
  • Hips: -2cm
  • Love handles (lol): -2cm
  • Arm: -2cm
  • Thigh: -2cm

So 13cm of me has disappeared! No wonder my clothes fit better (or worse, depending on the size). When I look into the mirror I don’t really see any difference. Nor do I care that much to be honest, but I definitely feel stronger when I do my exercises, especially my core strength has improved. Five weeks ago jack knives felt impossible! They are still hard but I’m improving which feels great. And feeling great is what this is all about!

So I think I’m on the right track and I’ll happily continue with this exercise programme. And I promise to make an effort to eat more regularly during the days when I’m alone at home… It’s a bit silly not to fuel my workouts properly. Maybe when we start weaning I’ll remember to make something proper for myself too instead of just snacking. Need to set her a good example!



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